6 Tips to Help Your Hyperactive Child

If your child has difficulty focusing on schoolwork, doesn’t listen when you speak, or receives complaints from school about restless behavior that disrupts the classroom, they might have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It’s important to remember that these behaviors are not their fault!

Main Symptoms of ADHD

  • Attention Deficit: Difficulty concentrating and maintaining focus on various tasks.
  • Hyperactivity: Excessive motor activity.
  • Impulsivity: Difficulty controlling impulses.

How Can You Help Your Child at Home?

1. Structured and Stable Routines

Maintain stable routines to help your child know what will happen next. This reduces anxiety and improves concentration.

2. Task Division

Help your child break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This makes tasks less overwhelming and more achievable.

3. Positive Reinforcement

Praise your child when they act correctly and when they make an effort. Positive reinforcement encourages desired behaviors and boosts self-esteem.

4. Clear Explanations

Whenever your child makes a mistake, calmly and clearly explain why it happened and how they can improve. Understanding is crucial for development.

5. Elimination of Distractions

Reduce noise and distractions in the study environment. A calm and organized space helps increase concentration.

6. Discipline and Assertiveness

Be consistent and assertive with rules,consequences, and rewards. Clarity and firmness in discipline help the child understand limits and expectations.


Managing ADHD is a challenge that requires patience, understanding, and well-defined strategies. Implementing these tips can make a significant difference in your child's daily life, helping them better cope with ADHD symptoms. The family support network, with effective and consistent strategies, is an essential pillar in the treatment of this disorder.

Staying informed and seeking specialized help are fundamental steps to support your child's healthy and balanced development.

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